Is the Labour government delivering on its promises? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Grace Blakeley and David Edgerton, New Economics Foundation Podcast 21 February 2025

Discussing Harold Wilson’s White Heat speech with Ed Vaizey on Times Radio 17 January 2025

Interview on Shock of the Old with Alexander Schatten on his Zukunft Denken Podcast September 2024

Interview with George Eaton: ‘David Edgerton: “The UK needs a politics of modesty”’, New Statesman 12 July 2023.

‘Le problème avec le « mini-budget » de Liz Truss, une conversation avec David Edgerton’, Le Grand Continent 14 Octobre 2022 [tambien en castellano]

‘The Queen’s Death and Competing Narratives of Empire’ , in conversation with Nesrine Malik a Q&A by Isaac Chotiner, New Yorker 21 September 2022.

‘Thoughts on the national economy’, contribution (with James Meadway, Miatta Fahnbulleh and James Murray MP, to The National Economy and Labour’s Renewal, 3 March 2022, video

Jacobin Radio - Long Reads: David Edgerton on the Myths of Modern Britain, 26 February 2022

Channel Four News, discussing historical parallels for the current inflation.

Today Programme, discussing whether the 1920s were really the roaring ‘twenties.

‘L’ascension, la chute… et l’éclatement de la nation britannique ?’, Entretien, Le Grand Continent, septembre 2021.

The Archive Hour, BBC Radio four, Millions like us. We're told Covid is our Second World War. If so, what does that mean for our politics? July 2021.

TLS Podcast, contribution to ‘Mozart the Happy Harlequin and the Lost World of British Labourism’, 17 June 2021

Entrevista: "La ruptura del Reino Unido es necesaria para la reconstrucción de su identidad", El Confidential 31 May 2021.

Brexit, Ideology and the Decline of the British State, in conversation with Kirsty Hughes, European Conversations podcast, April 2021

The Briefing Room, BBC Radio four, Global supply chains - is the UK vulnerable? 8 April 2021

Today Programme, BBC Radio four, comparing post-1945 and post-Covid recovery 5 March 2021 (at 23m)

Open Book, BBC Radio four, Discussing Francis Spufford’s Perpetual Light 14 February 2021 (at 20m)

One Good Thing could come out of Brexit - a Bonfire of National Illusions, Another Europe Is Possible Podcast with Luke Cooper and Zoe Williams, 1 February 2021

The Ivory Tower and other stories about invention, Smashing the Silos Series: 1 How University Funding Structures Shape Narrow Disciplines, & How To Challenge Them, Oxford Union Society, 30 January 2021

The Shock of the Old What Happens Next, in 6 Minutes, with Larry Bernstein, 17 January,

The end of the UK? Bloomberg Westminster with Roger Hearing and Sebastian Salek (second half ), 8 January 2021.

Can Britain Become an ‘Innovation Superpower’ After Brexit? | Aaron Bastani Meets David Edgerton, on British history, imperialism, Brexit and more, 24 November 2020.

‘No more Concordes’? Aviation, industrial policy and the future of the British Nation, 1945-1980, RAF Museum and Centre for War and Diplomacy at Lancaster University, October 2020.

Aufhebunga Bunga: The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History (with Philip Cunliffe, Alex Hochuli), on British history, the New Left, declinism, Brexit and more, 21 July 2020.

We Have Ways of Making you Talk podcast (Al Murray and James Holland) on the UK, declinism, alone and the Second World War. June 2020.

With Evan Davis, ‘The Bottom Line’ BBC Radio Four (on Economic Lessons of 1945). 28 May 2020

David Edgerton : "Depuis des années, les Brexiters basent leur rhétorique sur un fantasme" La Libre 18 May 2020

«La vision historique – fausse – des Brexiters a influé sur leur réponse à la crise sanitaire» L’Opinion 11 May 2020

“Creo que es una crisis muy original, nunca hemos tenido una epidemia de este tipo”, Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (video)

‘The myth of British inventive genius’ VoxTalks Podcast with Tim Phillips, 8 May 2020

‘Thames in Singapore, sääntelemätön vapaakauppasaari vai kansallisen kapitalismin Britannia? Maa kulkee tuntemattomaan tulevaisuuteen’, YLE (Finland) February 2020

‘Disunited Kingdom’ Project Syndicate Podcast with Elmira Bayrasli, 28 January 2020

with Robert Tombs on Dan Damon’s Newshour, BBC World Service 31 December 2019 (at min 45)

« Le Brexit est un chaos de nostalgies irréconciliables » Les Echos 12 December 2019

On the ‘World this Weekend’ BBC Radio 4 at minute 48-59, 8 December 2019.

Andrew Keen’s podcast, Keen on Democracy (November 2019)

Discussion with Charles Moore, chaired Gary Gibbon - extract - October 2019

Discussion with Charles Moore, on ‘What does History tell us about Brexit’, chaired Gary Gibbon - Channel Four News Podcast, October 2019

World War 2: the economic battle (written and presented by Duncan Weldon), BBC Radio Four (August 2019) - programmes on Britain and France.

Newsnight, 25 June 2019, on British Nationalism.

Dan Snow’s History Hits - podcast (June 2019) audio.

Politics Theory Other - podcast with Alex Doherty (March 2019) audio

‘Innovation and the Nation’ - lecture at the London School of Economics (organised by the Departments of Geography and of International History) - 4th February 2019, audio

Britisk historiker: Nej, det er ikke en ’imperialistisk tankegang’, der har ført til Brexit. Det er snarere Margaret Thatcher’ - Information Dagblet 13 December 2018 (paywall)

‘The Haldane Report: the next 100 years’ - UK Research and Innovation, the Government Office for Science and the Institute for Government conference, 12 December 2018, video

Appearance on Newsnight on Brexit 5 December 2018 - video

The Birth of the British Nation? Alone, People’s War and the Mythical Myths of 1940’ The 2018 Emden Lecture, St Edmund Hall Oxford (October 2018) - Video

The Books Interview, BBC History Magazine (August 2018)

Interview on History Extra podcast, 23rd July 2018

New Books in History Network podcast, 17th July 2018

Today Programme, with John Humphries, 23 June 2018

Interview in Philosophie Magazin (in German)  no 2, 2018

Hush-Kit interview on England and the Aeroplane, 28th September 2017

Video interview: Digital Transformation by Manuel Stagars, 19th June 2017

Le neuf ne remplace pas toujours l'ancien: Entretien avec David Edgerton Sciences Humaines 2015

On Shock of the Old 2010